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Lesson 3c - Strings

The last atomic data type R has to offer are strings. Strings represent characters and text in R.

Table of Contents

Lesson Objectives

  • Learn about strings
  • Explore some of the functions R has to offer for strings.
  • Concatenate strings and variables together.

Creating a String

Strings in R need to be surrounded by double quotes “ “ or single quotes “ “

Don’t mix and match! You can’t have a string start with single quotes and end with double quotes.


myString <- "Hello, World!"



[1] "Hello, World!"

Using Quotations Inside Strings

If you need to use single quotes ‘ ‘, use double quotes “ “ to define the string.

myString <- "I'm happy!"

If you need to use double quotes “ “, use single quotes ‘ ‘ to define the string.

myString <- 'He said "hello".'

If you need to use both single quotes ‘ ‘ and double quotes “ “, you need to put a backslash \ before every quotation you defined the string with.

myString <- "He said that \"He's happy\""
myString <- 'He said that "He\'s happy"'

String Concatenation

In R, there are two ways to concatenate (combine) strings. One is using the cat() function, the other uses the paste() function.


The cat() function can combine strings and variables together and display it in the console. This function is most often used to debug your code. It also gets rid of the quotation marks at the end, and turns any " and ' to their proper quote.


myString <- "Johnny"
myString2 <- "said that \"He's happy\"."

cat(myString, myString2)


Johnny said that "He's happy".

cat() does not create a newline at the end of the string, so sometimes it creates some funky output like the following:

two lines without a line break

To avoid this, add \n at the end.

two lines now have a line break

Don’t worry about the line with for. All it does is loop the code, we’ll talk about it in lesson 5.

By default, variables are seperated by a space when using cat(). You can remove this space if you add sep="" within the brackets.


myString <- "Tes"
myString2 <- "ting"

cat(myString, myString2, sep="")




The other function that has the ability to concatenate variables together is paste(). It’s similar to cat(), but it returns the new string. This allows you to save the output to a new variable.


myString <- "The first number is"
myInt <- 2

myString2 <- paste(myString, myInt)



[1] "The first number is 2"

Just like with cat(), you can use the sep="" tag to remove spaces between the variables.

Other Useful String Functions

Finding the Length of a String

The nchar() function returns the number of characters in a string.


myString <- "Hello!"


[1] 6

Setting a String to UPPERCASE and lowercase

toupper() and tolower() converts a string to uppercase and lowercase.


myString <- "Hello!"


[1] "HELLO!"
[1] "hello!"

Getting a Substring

The substring() function takes in a variable, the index of the first character, and the index of the last character to create a substring.

In R, indexing starts at 1. In myString, “H” is at index 1.


myString <- "Hello!"
substring(myString, 3, 5)


[1] "llo"

Testing If a String Contains Another String

To test if a string contains another string, use grepl(needle, haystack, fixed=TRUE). Change the needle and haystack to be the string you’re searching for inside which string. If you are familiar with Regular Expression (RegEx) searching, you can get rid of fixed=TRUE to do a RegEx search.

grepl(needle, haystack, fixed=TRUE) is case-sensitive.


grepl("intro", "introduction to r", fixed=TRUE)
grepl("intro", "Introduction to R", fixed=TRUE)
grepl("intro", "machine learning with r: linear regression", fixed=TRUE)


[1] TRUE

Key Points / Summary

  • Strings represent words and characters.
  • The first character in a string is at index 1.
  • You can concatenate variables together using cat() and paste()